Friday, May 29, 2015


This illustration friday I drew a melting beach scene. Its kind of like a summer exaggeration to show how hot it feels.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015


I made a jellyfish. I poured plaster into a cup and so it started out as a cylinder. Carving it took a lot of pacience because it took a long time and getting the shape was difficult.

Foil saggar

I made an abstract piece and covered it in leaves, flowers, and sticks. I warped it in foil and fired it. It may have over cooked because it turned out just dark and burnt looking.


Illustration friday was pet. I drew my dog that passed away a while ago with a halo because he was the best pet and my lil' angel. I didn't get a picture of it.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015


We had to make a house structure with any materials and I made a greenhouse. I started with wire for the skeleton of it. Then took tongue depressors and glued them criss-crossed to hold up the moss. Then i just stuck moss all around it.

Monday, May 11, 2015


Illustration friday I made an illuminati symbol. For some reason a triangle is a symbol for illuminati.


Illustration friday I made jello. It jiggles and wiggles and its just really fun to eat!


Illustration friday was tense. I drew a cop and cop car because even if I'm not doing anything wrong, I get tense when they are around.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Pit Firing

Pit firing is an old method for firing pottery. Kilns havereplaced pit firing as the most popular method of firing pottery. Leaves a splattered pattern.


Unfired pots are placed in a pit, in the ground and then covered with flamable materials such as leaves, sawdust,mulchsalts and dry cow poop. The top of the pit is covered with moist clay, pieces of wood or metal. Then light the pit on fire until most of the flammable material is burning. After cooling, pots are taken out and cleaned.Patterns and colors are left by ash and salt. Pots may then be finished with wax.



Foil Saggar

A quick and easy variation on saggar firing is aluminum foil saggar. Mix up copper sulfate, fine sea salt, cottonseed meal, water, baking soda, and 1/2 part each copper carbonate and titanium dioxide water to create “swamp juice”.Mix the same swamp juice in a shallow bowl with just enough water to make the mixture froth. Once the mix bubbles up, touch the pot to the bubbles to give it a lacy texture. The mixture can also be brushed or splashed onto the pot. The saggar is made with foil that has been crinkled up and then spread back out. Scatter some steel wool or copper wire, cotton and wood chips on the foil, and then place wet seaweed over everything. Next the pot is placedupside down onto the items. More seaweed, cotton, wood chips and steel wool are then placed over the pot. Finally, the foil is wrapped around to cover the pot and pressed. The pots are stacked in a kiln and fired.


Paper saggar


Another saggar method is paper bag. Put the treated clay pot in a paper bag. Then tear strips of newspaper, dip them in clay slop/slip, wrapping around paper bagged piece. I usually wrap at least 3 to 5 layers of strips then let it dry for a while. Fire these pieces in a raku kiln. Leave a crackled look.


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Free project

We had to use materials that are uncommonly used for art. I used fork tines to make sea urchens!!

Friday, April 17, 2015


For this illustration friday i drew a bunny laying on a pillow, which is basically the softest thing i could think of...

Friday, April 10, 2015


For illustration friday I drew Sacagawea because she helped people and is respected

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


I made a spine and rib cage for my vessel. It can be used to hang rings and necklaces. The hardest part was the rib pieces, they stuck out so much they wouldn't stick so i had to glue them after firing them.

Thursday, April 2, 2015


Illustration friday is about outside so i drew a veiw of a mountain/forest landscape and made trees get smaller as they went up the mountain to show the persective of it being far away

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Animal head

We had to make a sculpture of any animal. I choose a boar and and the most difficult part was making the hair.


Illistration friday: I drew a woman with very buff muscles. It's supposed to represent that women can be strong but a comedic approach.


Illistration friday i drew a path to nowhere, i'm not sure how to explain it. But i made a perception sketch to make the path look like it goes on forever.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Illistration friday theme this week was sleep. I choose to draw a girl listening to music and it shows how it makes her fall asleep and affects her dream, makes her peaceful.

Monday, March 9, 2015


We had to make something with nature and human so i made a sculpture of a hand with a un-natural mutation. It shows that we cant decide how we form and nature can come together with human things.


Illisration friday this week was on reflection and i drew and girl looking into the water. Shes sees herself in the future with her surroundings changed.

Thursday, February 12, 2015


We had to draw something rough for illistration friday so I drew an porcupine because they are spikey and i drew mountains in the backround.

Cardboard cut out

We had to make something with cardboard and I made a 3d abstract alien and used texture by the crowns rough spikes.


This friday we had to draw anything about noise. I did a elefant because I like the noise they make with their trunks, and they are pretty cute.